Ahvaz Chamber of Commerce named WCF top chamber in August

ICC World Chambers Federation has picked Iranian provincial chamber of Ahvaz as the best chamber of commerce in August from among chambers of commerce around the world.

11 September 2022
ID : 34040
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ICC World Chambers Federation has picked Iranian provincial chamber of Ahvaz as the best chamber of commerce in August from among chambers of commerce around the world.

Ahvaz Chamber of Commerce in southwestern Iranian Khuzestan province.

ICC World Chambers Federation has picked Iranian provincial chamber of Ahvaz as the best chamber of commerce in August from among chambers of commerce around the world.

The Iranian chamber of commerce was selected among the top three of the month by WCF for its remarkable activities and partnership in WCF plans.

Ahvaz Chamber of Commerce has shared news, events, and different projects with other ICC members which indicates its efforts for its business community.

This chamber of commerce has helped the expansion of private sector across the Iranian southwestern province of Khuzestan and has tried to develop close relations with the chambers of commerce of other countries.  

Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) and Iranian local chambers of Kerman, Tehran, Kermanshah and Shiraz have been already selected as top chambers in the previous months. 

What is ICC?

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the institutional representative of more than 45 million companies in over 100 countries.

ICC was founded in the aftermath of the First World War when no world system of rules governed trade, investment, finance or commercial relations.

Without waiting for governments to fill the gap, ICC’s founders acted on their conviction that the private sector is best qualified to set global standards for business.

They called themselves “The merchants of peace.”

What is WCF?

The World Chambers Federation (WCF) is ICC’s unique and truly global forum uniting the global network of chambers and their respective business communities. As well as strengthening links among chambers, WCF also helps individual chambers become more productive.

As a non-political, non-governmental body, WCF is the backbone of the chamber community providing a platform for chamber leaders to communicate and collaborate with each other on matters of mutual interest and facilitating beneficial partnerships.
