Iran private sector urges FTA, PTA agreements with Brazil

Stressing that signing free trade and preferential trade agreements are the prerequisites for expansion of economic relations with Brazil, the Iran private sector has highlighted that the lack of such agreements have hindered more increased relations between the two nations.

3 August 2024
ID : 45638
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Stressing that signing free trade and preferential trade agreements are the prerequisites for expansion of economic relations with Brazil, the Iran private sector has highlighted that the lack of such agreements have hindered more increased relations between the two nations.

President of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture Samad Hassanzadeh (right) and Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alckmin are seen in a meeting in Tehran, Iran, July 31, 2024.

Stressing that signing free trade and preferential trade agreements are the prerequisites for expansion of economic relations with Brazil, the Iran private sector has highlighted that the lack of such agreements have hindered more increased relations between the two nations.

President of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) Samad Hassanzadeh and Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alckmin met in Tehran on Wednesday where they explored ways for giving a boost to bilateral relations.

The president of Iran Chamber of Commerce said that problems on the way of money transfer and banking relations are another obstacle impeding trade between Iran and Brazil which has to be resolved.

Hassanzadeh also referred to an agreement signed between Iran and Brazil for granting tax exemptions to exports and imports of agricultural products, regretting that the document has not been put into force after 10 years.

He noted that the membership of Iran and Brazil in the BRICS group of emerging economies prepares a good ground for further trade cooperation.

The president of Iran Chamber of Commerce invited his Brazilian counterpart to visit Iran at the head of a trade delegation, urging more enhanced trade between the two countries, regarding Iran’s potentials in the areas of pharmaceuticals, renewable energies, oil, gas, and petrochemicals, auto and food industries, agriculture and techno-engineering services.

The Brazilian vice president, for his part, referred to his meeting with Iran’s minister of agriculture a day earlier and said that the two countries can cooperate on trading fruits, pistachio, and caviar.

He said that Iran and Brazil can cooperate in different areas, including health and pharmaceutical products, engineering, industry, and producing fertilizers needed by farmers.
