Iran Chamber of Commerce calls for 10-year water austerity plan

Iran Chamber of Commerce has urged the implementation of a 10-year water austerity plan to better manage the country’s water resources.

31 August 2024
ID : 55694
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Iran Chamber of Commerce has urged the implementation of a 10-year water austerity plan to better manage the country’s water resources.

An Iranian farmer is seen checking the drip irrigation system of his farm.

Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) has urged the implementation of a 10-year water austerity plan to better manage the country’s water resources.

Abbas Keshavarz, director of ICCIMA’s National Center for Strategic Agricultural and Water Studies, stated that the center has conducted a comprehensive study and is prepared to lead Iran’s water management efforts, pending government approval.

Keshavarz emphasized that the research center's studies suggest that with behavioral changes, it is possible to manage water resources effectively while ensuring food security, trade stability, and a favorable business environment.

Abbas Keshavarz is a veteran expert in water resource management.

He also noted that the ICCIMA has signed an agreement with the ministries of agriculture and energy in 2018, outlining the National Center for Strategic Agricultural and Water Studies' role in assisting the government in exploring viable solutions for water management. The goal is to increase agricultural productivity from the current 1.4 kilograms of yield per cubic meter of water to 3 kilograms.
Additionally, Keshavarz said, the ICCIMA plans to advocate for changes in the country’s virtual water trade policy, proposing a shift towards importing water-intensive products and exporting those that require less water.

