"Iran’s exports to Afghanistan could rise to $5 billion"

Head of Iran’s Birjand Chamber of Commerce says that Iran’s exports to Afghanistan can rise to as much as $5 billion.

30 June 2024
ID : 45582
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Head of Iran’s Birjand Chamber of Commerce says that Iran’s exports to Afghanistan can rise to as much as $5 billion.

Iranian trucks entering Afghanistan through Milak border crossing.

Head of Iran’s Birjand Chamber of Commerce says that Iran’s exports to Afghanistan can rise to as much as $5 billion.

Alireza Khameh-Zar told Iran Chamber of Commerce Newsroom that such an increase requires planning, while not providing a time frame.

Referring to Afghanistan’s 40-million-population market, he said that the neighboring country has purchased more than 600 different items from Iran.

He said that Iran’s exports to Afghanistan has reached $3 billion in the past while the figure stood at $1.8 billion last year.

Noting that the trade exchanges between Iran and Afghanistan are not proportionate with their potentials, Khameh-Zar said that Iran’s exports to neighboring Afghanistan could rise to as much as $5 billion.

Afghanistan has plans to develop its mines and Iran has great experiences in this sector, he said, urging the need for the Iranian private sector actors to participate in Afghanistan’s mining sector.

He also highlighted the urgency for Iran not to lose the chance of partnership in Afghanistan’s construction projects and the country’s development.

Noting that the Afghan market is very low risk, Khameh-Zar advised his fellow Iranian businesspeople not to lose this “strategic market”.
