Iran’s non-oil trade hits $17.436 billion in four months

Iran has exchanged over 47.9 million tons of non-oil goods at the worth of $17.436 billion in the four calendar months to late July, the country’s customs data suggested.

1 September 2024
ID : 55698
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Iran has exchanged over 47.9 million tons of non-oil goods at the worth of $17.436 billion in the four calendar months to late July, the country’s customs data suggested.

The figures indicate a 4.05% rise in terms of weight and an 8.15% increase in value terms compared to those reported in last year’s corresponding period.

China was the top destination for Iranian products in the period under review, receiving more than a fourth of the country’s non-oil imports. It imported as much as $4.778 billion worth of products from Iran in the March-July period.

Iraq, the UAE, Turkey and Afghanistan were respectively the other four main importers of Iranian goods following China.  

The UAE, China, Turkey, Germany and India were also reported as the top five exporters to Iran in the four-month period.
