Iran seeks investment in Khorezm energy, tourism projects

President of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) says Iran and Uzbekistan can cooperate in infrastructural, energy, and tourism projects.

22 September 2024
ID : 55738
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President of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) says Iran and Uzbekistan can cooperate in infrastructural, energy, and tourism projects.

Speaking during an Iran-Uzbekistan Joint Business Forum in Khiva, west of Khorezm region of Uzbekistan on Friday, Samad Hassanzadeh said that both Iran and Uzbekistan enjoy abundant economic, natural potentials as well as expert manpower.

“We can engage in joint investment projects in the areas of energy, transportation, agriculture and tourism,” he said.

The president of Iran Chamber of Commerce also stressed that Iran and Uzbekistan enjoy huge economic potentials. He added that if the infrastructural obstacles are removed, they will witness significant increase in bilateral exchanges.  

He expressed hope that Iran and Uzbekistan will witness further expansion in cooperation in the area of trade, industry and investment.
