Iranian health authorities say lower imports and a heavy subsidy system which has spurred smuggling of drugs out of the country are to blame for a recent shortage of insulin pens.
Iranian airlines would not be allowed to increase fare prices despite lower demand for air travel and restrictions imposed on the number of passengers booked for flights to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.
Germany has reiterated its full commitment to a multilateral nuclear agreement signed between Iran and major world powers in 2015, saying the United States’ move to pull out of the agreement is "regrettable."
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called US efforts and sanctions against Iran as manifestation of atrocity and "truly criminal," but said the Islamic Republic will continue to resist until it brings as much disgrace upon Washington as is possible.
Iran’s Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) says penetration rate for mobile services in the country increased in the first three months of the current calendar year to stand at 144.14 percent.
China was by far the top buyer of Iranian steel in the first five months of the current calendar year ending August 21, shows figured provided by Iran’s customs office (IRICA).
Iran’s telecoms minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi says household access to fifth-generation (5G) broadband service will begin in the country by February 2021.
President Hassan Rouhani has inaugurated seven new hospitals across Iran, a sign investment has kept flowing into the country’s health sector despite financial costs imposed on the government because of the spread of the coronavirus.
The Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line Group (IRISL) says revenues of the company topped $778 million in the year ending June 21 despite a series of harsh US sanctions seeking to choke off the country’s trade.
The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) says COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus pandemic, was to blame for a 0.6-percent contraction in the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) without oil in the fiscal year quarter ending June 20.