essential goods

Iran’s imports of basic goods at $7.3bn in H1 calendar year

Iran imported 11.9 million metric tons of essential goods, valued at $7.3 billion, during the first six months of the Iranian calendar year.


Iran’s subsidized imports at over $27 in less than five months

The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) says it has subsidized more than $27 billion worth of imports into the country in less than five months since the start of the calendar year on March 20.

Iran Economy

Iran to continue allocating subsidized currency to rice imports

The Iranian government has announced it will continue to allocate subsidized currency to import rice into the country.


Over 21 million tons of basic goods unloaded in Iranian ports

The Iranian Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) said that over 21.5 tons of basic commodities were unloaded at the ports of the country during the past Iranian calendar year to late March.

Iran Economy

Iran allocates Є13.6bn for import of essential goods

Iran has earmarked as much as Є13.6 billion at a preferential exchange rate for the imports of basic items.


Iran’s basic goods imports at around 23 million mt in 11 months

Iran has imported some 22.88 million metric tons (mt) of essential goods worth $17.8 billion in eleven calendar months to February 19, according to a recent update by the country’s customs administration (IRICA).

Iran Economy

Iran, Russia sign long-term grain supply agreement

Iran and Russia have signed a long-term agreement for supply of grains from Russia to Iran.


Iran imports 21 million mt of basic goods in 10 months

Iran has imported some 20.93 million metric tons (mt) of basic goods at the value of $13.6 billion in 10 calendar months to January 20, according to a recent report by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA).

Iran Economy

Iran’s rice imports fall by 42% this year: Official

Iran’s Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ahmad Khani Norouzi said on Sunday that the county’s rice imports have decreased by 42% this year.

Agriculture and Environment

Iran imports over 15.5 million tons of basic goods in nine months

Some 15.5 million tons of essential commodities have been imported into Iran over the nine calendar months to December 21, according to a report by the country’s Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO).

Iran Economy