Iran gas

India removed from Iran’s Farzad B gas field project: Report

A report published by an Indian newspaper suggests Iran is no longer interested in having Indian firms involved in one of its major natural gas development projects.


Turkey needs Iran’s gas despite Black Sea discovery: Zanganeh

Iran’s Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh says Turkey would continue to need gas imports from countries like Iran despite the recent discovery of a gas field which Ankara has publicized as a major step toward energy independence.


Iran launches $5.6bn worth of energy projects with private sector co-investment

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has opened several major energy projects which were developed with the private sector contribution.


Iran to finish South Pars development in 10 months: Zanganeh

Iran’s oil minister Bijan Namadar Zanganeh says the country would wrap up development work at South Pars gas field, the world’s biggest natural gas reserve located in the Persian Gulf, by late March 2021 when the current Iranian calendar year comes to its end.


Iran brings on line fourth gas rig at Phase 14 of South Pars, expands production to over 700 mcm/d

Iran has started pumping natural gas from fourth rig at Phase 14 of South Pars in the Persian Gulf to bring production from the gas field to over 700 mcm per day.


Development work goes on at South Pars phase 11: Zangeneh

Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh has said that development works for a major section of the South Pars gas field keep flowing by Iran’s Petropars after France’s Total and China’s CNPC withdrew from the project.


Iran in gas transit talks with EU companies

Supplying natural gas to Europe via a pipeline from Turkey is on the National Iranian Gas Company’s agenda, the CEO said.


Iran’s vice president urges China, friendly countries to buy oil

After one year of the imposition of oil sanctions, Iran’s economy now enjoys a stable status. Iran expects friend countries to act more actively in buying Iranian oil, Iran’s Vice President Jahangiri said.


Iraq sets up SPV to buy Iranian power in wake of US sanctions: Report

AFP is reporting that a dinar-based account in Trade Bank of Iraq is supposed to be used to pay for Iranian energy in return for Tehran’s humanitarian purchases.

Financial Markets

US grants energy-hungry Iraq new Iran sanctions waiver: Reports

According to reports, Washington has given Baghdad a 90-day sanctions waivers to keep buying Iranian gas and electricity to meet summertime peaks of demand.
