Indonesian President Joko Widodo expressed the Southeast Asian country’s keenness to develop closer banking and trade relations with Iran.
Iran says three foreign banks are in the process of opening branches in Iran.
Iran has refreshed criticisms against the US for failing to facilitate international trade with the country as required by a nuclear deal sealed last year.
Iran says the United States has pledged not to punish European banks that facilitate transactions with it.
Iran and Pakistan have signed an agreement to re-establish banking relationship and carry out trade transactions in local currencies.
Iran’s Ministry of Information and Communications Technology Mahmoud Vaezi says the country has accessed to credit card services processed by global payment operator MasterCard for the first time.
The World Bank says a landmark nuclear deal that Iran signed with the P5+1 last year has already enabled the country to gain access to as much as $30 billion of its assets that had been frozen as a result of the sanctions.
The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) has vowed to protect people’s banking information in transactions with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).