Iran Russia

Russia, Iran to continue good ties despite US sanctions: Volgograd official

Director of the export support centre in Russia’s Volgograd region believes the US sanctions won’t hurt Iran-Russia ties as the two countries have always been having good relations.


Russian Engineering Union official calls for creation of trading house with Iran

Aleksandr Buyda, director of Russian Engineering Union in the Volgograd region, says it’s necessary to set up a trading house between Iran and Russia to better facilitate bilateral trade.


Iran seeking monetary pacts with regional countries: FM Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says his country is in talks with several regional countries to do business in national currencies.

Financial Markets


‘Import, export and joint ventures, main strategies for Russia-Iran trade boost’

Vadim Tkachenko, president of Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry, that lead a large business delegation to Iran, says there are large areas of cooperation between Russia and Iran such as import and exports as well as joint venture.


Russia to lend Iran a hand for exporting oil: Report

Russia says it is willing to step in to help Iran export its oil while the country is struggling to keep the oil flowing while pressured by sanctions levied by the United States.


Long-time political allies, Iran and Russia move to consolidate economic ties

Iran and Russia have long been allies during their long histories but their bilateral trade volume doesn’t speak much for their political proximity. Now, with the US pressures and Europe’s inactivity, Tehran is looking East to revive old regional allies.


Iran considers North Caucasus as gateway of exports to Russia: Minister

Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian says the souther Russian republics that form the North Caucasus region are the main point of entrance of Iranian goods to Russia.


Iran offers business incentives for SCO member states

The Iranian president has said that his country is prepared to facilitate business opportunities for the economic activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation businessmen and women.


ICCIMA urges Caspian Sea states to join Chinese New Silk Road

Gholam Hossein Shafei, who presides over the Iranian private sector parliament says revival of this ancient trade corridor is the most important event that is happening in the region and world, saying Caspian Sea littoral countries need to joint that road faster.


Iranian parliament passes FTA with Eurasian Economic Union

The Iranian lawmakers have voted in favour of the bill that allows Tehran’s entrance into a Free Trade Zone (FTZ) with the five-member council, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.
