Ambassador puts Iran-Iraq annual trade at over $10 billion

The Iraqi ambassador to Tehran has said that trade between Iran and Iraq has exceeded 10 billion dollars.

3 September 2024
ID : 55699
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The Iraqi ambassador to Tehran has said that trade between Iran and Iraq has exceeded 10 billion dollars.

Cargo trucks are seen crossing Parvizkhan border crossing shared between Iran and Iraq.

The Iraqi ambassador to Tehran has said that trade between Iran and Iraq has exceeded 10 billion dollars.

In a meeting with the governor of Iran’s Semnan province on Monday, Nasir Abdul Mohsen Abdullah expressed hope that exchanges between the two neighboring countries will double to 20 billion dollars.

While emphasizing religious and cultural commonalities between the people of Iran and Iraq, he announced his country’s readiness to establish joint industrial units.

Iran’s customs administration (IRICA) has recently published a report which says that Iraq is the second-biggest destination for Iranian products following China.

According to another report issued by Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) in October 2023, as much as 30% of Iran’s agricultural products and 44% of the country’s industrial products were bound for Iraq.
