Reliable news on Iran economy - affiliated with the Iran Chamber of Commerce

Head of Iran-Uzbekistan Joint Chamber of Commerce has highlighted the need for Iran to gain a foothold in Uzbekistan’s construction industry.

Iran eyes partnership in Uzbekistan’s construction sector

Head of Iran-Uzbekistan Joint Chamber of Commerce has highlighted the need for Iran to gain a foothold in Uzbekistan’s construction industry.

Joint Chambers
Iran’s representative has won one out of nine seats in the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB), an international body supervising the transport of goods and shipping of cargos across the world.

Iran wins seat on UN trucking treaty board despite intrigues

Iran’s representative has won one out of nine seats in the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB), an international body supervising the transport of goods and shipping of cargos across the world.

Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) urges stronger banking ties with BRICS, SCO, and EAEU, highlighting Iran’s $140 billion trade despite sanctions.

Iran’s Central Bank pushes for stronger private sector role in global trade

Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) urges stronger banking ties with BRICS, SCO, and EAEU, highlighting Iran’s $140 billion trade despite sanctions.

Iran Chamber
Iran’s tax revenues increased by nearly a half in the 10 months to January 19 compared to the previous same period, according to the country’s tax office (INTA).

Iran’s ten-month tax receipts grows 47% YOY to $11 billion

Iran’s tax revenues increased by nearly a half in the 10 months to January 19 compared to the previous same period, according to the country’s tax office (INTA).

Macro Economy

Iran’s monthly PMI dips sharply due to industrial power cuts

Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) has released the country’s new PMI data for the fiscal month of Azar (November 21 – December 20, 2024), which has registered one of its lowest since the survey began 63 months ago.

Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) has released the country’s new PMI data for the fiscal month of Azar (November 21 – December 20, 2024), which has registered one of its lowest since the survey began 63 months ago.